To clean your home is to free it from dirt, pollutants and other elements. Not only that, but cleaning can also translate into organization and proper storage of your possessions and eliminate your home’s clutter. Either way you look at it, cleaning is an important task and, although not the most fun, it can be simplified with a few tips, tricks and a little knowhow.
When storing clothes, roll them instead of folding. This not only prevents fold lines, but also results in your clothing taking up less space. What does this mean for you? Quite simply, you can maximize your storage space and still keep your clothes free of creases.
If you want to remove stains from countertops, appliances, flooring or other surfaces, consider using baking soda or a vinegar/water combination. Either one of these is less harsh than typical cleaning products and still provides a quick fix for most of your stain removal needs. You may also consider anti-bacterial liquid soap and water for cleaning some surfaces. It’s important to note that you should never submerge any electrical appliance into water. Instead, spot clean it with a cloth.
Before starting to clean, create categories for your clutter. By separating your items by intent, such as keep, donate and discard, you will be able to move through your cleanup quickly and efficiently.
When you clean, you are likely to stir up a little dust here and there. Regardless of how much or how often you clean, dust is a part of life and it’s bound to find its way into a few corners. If you want to reduce the presence of dust in your home, try using a portable air cleaner in the room where you are cleaning.
Instead of simply tossing out your old bills or credit card offers, shred them with a cross-cut or confetti-cut paper shredder. This will prevent any unscrupulous crook from sifting through your garbage and discovering personal financial information. If you don’t own a paper shredder and don’t have the extra money in your budget to purchase one, simply use a pair of scissors and cut anything with your name, address, social security number or banking information into small unreadable pieces.
Cleaning leads to tossing those unwanted items away, which means you may have a need for a lot of garbage bags. You can use the plastic bags from your local grocer to line your small wastebaskets. The handles make them easy to retrieve, tie and discard. The next time you are asked if you want paper or plastic, say plastic please.